Provence A.O.C. extra virgin olive oil

Provence A.O.C. extra virgin olive oil label    Provence A.O.C. extra virgin olive oil label

Provence A.O.C. extra virgin olive oil bottle

Les Baux de Provence valley A.O.C olive oil

Olive oil may be compared to good wine as its quality depends on the soil and the original trees where olives are cultivated.

In 1956, the Baux de Provence orchards were heavily damaged by frost. The trees had to be cut down to the stump. The current orchard is distinguished by being composed of 4-trunked olive trees that have grown back from and around formerly cut stumps.

As for good wine, the organoleptic quality of this oil is based on the harmonious mixtuer of several varities of fruit and oils with different and complementary aromas and flavours.

The main varieties are : l’Aglandau, Salonenque, Verdale in the bouches du Rhône, Grossane. (go to varieties)

To guarantee its A.O.C. production, its olives are traditionnally and manually processed : olives are harvested from nets on the ground and taken the very same day to the mill to maximize their flavour.

At the mill, the quality manager closely supervises all the stages of production (grinding and mixing).

Packaging of Domaine le Monestier
Baux de Provence A.O.C. extra virgin olive oil :

50cl bottle box of 12 bottles
75cl bottle box of 6 bottles
3L can
5L can
other packaging available upon resquest

Commercial contact, Jérôme LOREAU
Phone number : +33 (0) 4 75 47 00 43

Domaine le Monestier : olive oil producer and sender - Single variery olive oil, Les Baux de Provence valley A.O.C olive oil - Les Baux de Provence valley A.O.C olive oil producer and sender, Les Baux de Provence valley A.O.P oil olive oil producer and sender - Aglandau oilve oil producer, Salonenque oilve oil producer, Verdale oilve oil producer, Bouteillan oilve oil producer, Picholine oilve oil producer, Grossane oilve oil producer - fruit producer and sender : apricots, cherries, peaches, nectarines, French Nashis - Producer and sender of fruit cultivated in the Drôme area and the CRAU region.
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